
Got burning questions?

We know that there is nothing worse than asking a genuine question and being responded to with a sales pitch, which is why we don't have a sales team at EnergySys.

When you contact us, you'll be connected with someone who uses the product everyday and has experience from your side.

We recognise that people buy from people. You want to know that the key individuals in any company are people you can trust. People with experience and a track record of delivery. People who are as immersed in your industry as you are, and who can understand what you need.

While our delivery is in the cloud, that doesn’t mean we want to keep you at arms length, and every one of our team is available to respond to whatever queries you have.

We're here to help, not sell to you.

If there is anything you want to know about our product, our company, where and how we operate, or anything else, please get in touch.


EnergySys and AWS

Our partnership with AWS reached new heights with the EnergySys Cloud Platform now available on AWS Marketplace.

We are committed to providing a highly secure, available and robust platform for our users and our engagement with AWS allows us to deliver a complete cloud service and cloud management portfolio that gives enterprise customers fast, flexible access to the cloud.

The pace of development of public cloud infrastructure and a significant increase in cloud adoption meant that, nearly a decade after its creation, the core components of the EnergySys Cloud Platform were migrated to Amazon Web Services. The AWS infrastructure gave EnergySys the scale necessary to handle the growth of its own organisation and that of its customers.

In 2021, EnergySys was awarded coveted competency status. This highlights our proven success in leveraging AWS cloud technology to transform complex systems and accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future.

With an impressive client list that includes bp, Origin, BTC, TAQA, and NEO, we pride ourselves on providing the best possible solution for any - and every - energy company.

Buy now on AWS Marketplace

UK Office:

Mailing Address:
EnergySys Limited
Hudson House, 8 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QB

Phone Number:
+44 1224 433 493


US Office:

Mailing Address:
EnergySys, Inc.
3120 Southwest Fwy., Suite 101, PMB #81892, Houston, Texas 77080

Phone Number:
+1 832 280 4780


Australia Office:

Mailing Address:
EnergySys Pty Ltd.
Level 3, 88 William Street, GPO Box 2570, Perth, Western Australia 6001

Phone Number:
+44 1224 433 493


“We needed to replace a legacy system that was no longer fit for purpose following our recent growth. EnergySys offered a sensible choice for our global production data management solution. The flexibility and scalability of the platform meant it could easily accommodate the changes to our business.” - Premier Oil