Hope Elsdon
Dubai Supply Authority select EnergySys
EnergySys is delighted to welcome the Dubai Supply Authority (DUSUP) to the growing number of oil and gas companies using the market-leading EnergySys platform.
Interview with our Technical Director, Peter Westwood
Following his renewed appointment to the 2017 Executive Team for the PRODML SIG Standards Development, we caught up with Peter Westwood, Technical Director for EnergySys, to find out more about the work of the SIG.
Peter Westwood appointed to the PRODML Executive Team
We are delighted to announce that Peter Westwood, Technical Director at EnergySys, has been appointed for the third time to the 2017 Executive Team for the PRODML Special Interest Group (SIG).
Women v Cancer | Esther’s Charity Bicycle Ride
Our Operations Director, Esther Hayes, returned from a grueling 450km bicycle ride from Vietnam to Cambodia, in which she managed to raise, with her twin sister, over £5,500 for Women v Cancer. Read her interview to see how she did it.
EnergySys expansion in the US
EnergySys Managing Director, Dr Peter Black, was recently in Houston, Texas, seeking to further expand our business there. In this interview, we get the chance to catch up with Peter, learn about our relationships in the USA, and see what exciting things EnergySys have in the pipeline.
EnergySys, now powered by AWS
We are delighted to announce the successful migration of core components of the EnergySys platform to Amazon Web Services (AWS).
EnergySys presenting at the ECIM Conference
“After reading over 57 published articles, and numerous websites and thinly-disguised sales pitches, and thinking about the different implementations and products, the conclusion I reached was, in the end, inescapable. Digital oilfield does not exist.” EnergySys Managing Director, Dr Peter Black, is bringing his much-debated ‘Digital Oilfield: Ten Years On’ paper to ECIM this September.
Demonstrating simplicity through automation
Think of all of the manual tasks in your daily processes. Wouldn't it be better if there was a way to speed those up?
With automation, that's possible.
Can saving costs cost you?
It's everyone's dream to have a service that doesn't take a huge hole out of the budget. However focusing solely on spend is where opportunities are missed.
Discover why performance improvement should consider cost in amongst other factors.