Peter Black
The cost of unreliable data in oil and gas
Data inaccuracy, inconsistency and insufficiency all create real problems for processes that rely on that data.
What is the real cost of data that can't be trusted?
Private cloud: ironing out the confusion
Private cloud is a concept that needs to be retired.
The idea has minimal value and confuses those who know little about cloud to start with.
Dr. Peter Black Speaking in London, 4th December
Dr. Peter Black, Managing Director at EnergySys, will be presenting a paper at the Developments with the Digital Oilfield Conference in London, on the topic "Why private cloud is a cul-de-sac of doom", at the Hallum Conference Centre in London on 4th December.
A low cost production accounting system is not enough
Cost is something we'd all like to keep as low as possible. However, low cost isn't enough.
Discover why good solutions need more than just cost-efficiency.
The benefits of cloud in oil and gas
Cloud can cause concern throughout the industry as there are many solutions out there without it.
But when you consider the benefits, why not invest in the cloud?
Atlantic LNG optimises hydrocarbon allocation
Atlantic has implemented a state of the art application from EnergySys Ltd to automate its hydrocarbon allocation processes for operating four LNG trains in Point Fortin more efficiently and flexibly.
Cloud computing stacks up for SPE-friendly reserves reporting
SPE standards state that the “sufficiency and reliability of the database is of primary importance in the estimation of reserves and other reserves information”.
EnergySys Article at
Sean Ottewell provides an excellent introduction to the benefits of EnergySys, identifying the significant benefits arising from hosted solution for production reporting & hydrocarbon allocation.
Oil and gas IT solutions and cutting costs
Breaking away from the traditional processes that the industry has always relied on can be a hard sell.
Yet when you think of the benefits and capabilities that cloud services offer, change is clearly the way forward.