Allocation Management for North Sea Gas Pipeline
The SMART system is an application of EnergySys that manages the allocation of gas and NGLs for the 323km gas pipeline system in the North Sea.
The SAGE gas plant at St Fergus continues to be a major supplier to the UK gas transmission network, but the nature of the business has evolved.
The SMART system was an application of EnergySys that managed the allocation of gas and NGLs for the 323km gas pipeline system in the North Sea.
SMART managed all of the hydrocarbon nominations, allocations and attribution logic, including field production allocation and all reporting to partners and management.
The SMART system was originally a custom build for Mobil North Sea Limited, but over recent years it has been enhanced with key components from the EnergySys Cloud Platform, including the reporting solution and spreadsheet engine.
It was designed to support secure Internet access by partners, and data import and export is via XML files and connections to an OSI PI data historian.
In operation for nearly twenty years, it has seen many major enhancements and extensions. In 2021 our partner, Accord Energy Solutions, migrated the application onto the standard cloud EnergySys architecture to deliver the STAR system. STAR integrates directly with Accord’s CHARM online process model at the heart of the allocation. Accord also extended the scope to deliver emissions reporting, full shipper access to data through the ODATA interface, automated annual contract administration, mismeasurement business process handling and calculation of all tariff quantities.
These enhancements have allowed us to drive down the costs of change, and to meet the customer’s needs without expensive upgrades or platform replacements.
It’s a 24×7 operation, so they need to be able to depend on the solution to deliver the availability and reliability they need.
The EnergySys Cloud Platform is purely SaaS with no option for on-premise or hybrid models. We are hosted on AWS and every one of our users, including Ancala, benefit from our use of a range of AWS services like CloudWatch, S3 and CloudFormation. AWS helps us manage all our users infrastructure and IT needs, reducing costs and increasing productivity. Together we provide unparalleled value and flexibility to our users.
EnergySys: The Movie
A showcase of the benefits the first 100% cloud-native platform for production allocation and reporting can deliver to you and your team.
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