Market regulation
EnergySys supports straightforward submission of Operator Returns and provides powerful performance analysis, consolidation and forecasting.

Data collection, validation and management
National Regulators need to be able to effectively and efficiently collect information related to the management of national resources. These resources might be exploited in many different ways, producing a huge range of different types of data. They need a system which supports straightforward submission of Operators Returns, and provides powerful performance analysis, consolidation and forecasting.
EnergySys market regulation offers a number of methods of receiving data, in various formats, validating the data and then storing the data in a secure database.

Often, disparate submissions from Operator Returns need to be manipulated and in order to provide a sound basis for analysis and presentation to stakeholders. EnergySys’ flexible calculation engine allows National Regulators to deliver against current regulatory requirements, easily cater for future changes, and undertake in house ad-hoc analysis as required.

Reporting of data to relevant stakeholders is one of the key roles of the Regulator. The EnergySys platform provides a secure and easily accessible cloud hosted platform whilst the web-service provides a modern and secure method of making data available to stakeholders.
The data made available is likely to cover:
- Production Volumes
- Surveys
- Leases and Titles
- Forecasts
- Environmental Factors

Many of the activities described above – data receipt and validation, calculations, report creation and distribution, for example – can be automated, freeing the Regulator to assess performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Automation of any sequence of tasks is straightforward and can be configured to suit your specific business processes.