Production accounting. Reimagined.
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EnergySys hosts a variety of template applications, created by our partners, for production accounting and reporting, pipeline reporting, forecasting, budgeting and tracking production, transport and sales. They provide a comprehensive foundation for your business that can be configured quickly to match your requirements.
You need a reliable system to manage your production data, accurately calculating and allocating the values in order to comply with commercial and regulatory requirements. Our EnergySys partners have created template applications that allow oil and gas organisations to monitor their business processes for production, transport and sales of oil and gas, in order to understand the value realised and to properly manage the associated resources
Our cloud platform, combined with the applications created by our partners provides the flexibility to configure the system to meet your specific needs, faster and more easily than any other solution on the market today. Up to 75% faster than traditional systems.
Allocation networks consist of Facilities, Fields and Wells of any user-defined type.
Facilities are locations in the network where an instrument reading, or derived reading, is available for allocation. They represent production Facilities, such as Platforms and Terminals, or may simply be a group of wells that is independently metered. Facilities may also be related to other Facilities, allowing the possibility of arbitrarily complex allocation hierarchies.
This partner-provided template application is highly flexible and should meet the majority of users’ requirements, the system also allows you to completely redefine the allocation logic to reflect special arrangements you may require. This includes modifying or completely replacing the existing algorithms with, for example, your own spreadsheet model.
Data locking helps you avoid unintentional changes to results after data has been published.

Reconciliation and mismeasurement
Reconciliation is generally a monthly process that is invoked when new data becomes available. Examples might be receipt of a monthly sales figure that can be used to improve daily data, or improved fluid characterisation arising from an updated sample analysis. Reconciliation offers an option of re-allocation back to the wells for each day in the period to be adjusted.
Adjustments may also be necessary in the event of mismeasurement. When an error is found it must be possible to record the correct figures in the system and, if necessary, re-run the allocation for one day, or a period of days. Our template for production accounting and reporting provides formal logs for mismeasurements and stock adjustments, including the reason for the adjustment.

Data loading and validation
EnergySys allows data to be entered directly into the screens, posted to the system as email attachments, retrieved from a third-party system automatically via a Connector, or manually uploaded from files. Files can be uploaded in Excel, CSV or text format, and you can load them in bulk by providing a zip file. The layout of these upload files is not specified by the system, and the import process can be configured to read almost any layout and import the data to the system. This is extremely important when a third party specifies the layout and it is not under your control. For automated interfaces with a SCADA system or data historian, data can be uploaded via a web services interface. There are validation and verification checks on all raw metered data imported into the system.

Operations, budgets and plans
The production allocation and reporting template application is provided by our partners and hosted on our configurable cloud platform. It allows you to record operational events and assess their impact on associated business plans. This includes daily operations on wells and facilities, including the classification of events that can lead to deferments. All deferments are related to production at the well, although they may be caused by events at the well, field or facility. The system also allows named plans to be recorded, and compared with actual production performance.

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Open reporting
Operational excellence
Build your own
Our use of open data standards mean your reporting is more flexible, offers more effective data sharing, and more choice. Analytics isn't a costly add-on, it's open data combined with your preferred tool.
ePMF is an industry-leading capability for production management. It leverages analysis to maximise production efficiency, and is a key step towards a complete integrated operations excellence solution.
We recognise you face your own set of challenges, and sometimes a template application is not enough. That's why we've made the platform easy to extend, to fit your requirements.