Open Reporting
Efficient and effective oil and gas production reporting software can mean the difference between profit and loss, between growth and stagnation.
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Flexible. Effective. Your choice.
We built EnergySys on open data standards, creating secure energy production reporting software. We support choice and we don't force you to use any particular reporting product. Our built-in process reports offer the chance for you to create great output quickly and easily, but there's so much more. By building on the OData open web standard, you can choose from products like Microsoft Excel or Power BI, or Tibco Spotfire, to build powerful dashboards and ad hoc reports.
The result is more flexibility, more effective data sharing, and more choice. Analytics isn't a costly add-on, its open data combined with your preferred tool.
Bring-your-own reporting
The web-services interface provides the means to report using any OData-compliant third-party tool, such as Excel, Power BI, and Spotfire. Simply connect to the EnergySys data feed, and use the reporting capabilities provided by the tool. This is an immensely powerful way to export, analyse and report on business data, since it means that users can work in a familiar reporting environment using user-specific templates.

Open configurable data access
Every modern version of Microsoft Excel has OData support built in. The associated Power Query language lets you pull selected data into Excel, and rapidly create charts and tables. It's easy to share these with your internal users and partners, giving them only the ability to refresh the information from the cloud service.
The combination of rapid configuration and reporting makes possible things you'd only imagined before. Create an object to hold forecast production figures, and immediately compare it with allocated volumes for a selected data range. No programming. Just configuration.
Unleash the power of EnergySys and open standards on your data.

Process reports
We know you love the power and flexibility of data presentation and charting in Excel. Sometimes it's just the fastest way to get your data presented exactly as you want it, and sometimes you simply have a spreadsheet that already has a "reporting" tab. That's where Process Reports come in. By designating a tab or tabs as a report, the EnergySys Cloud Platform will automatically extract it without formulae, and make it available for download. Or email it to your list of recipients.

Regulatory reports
Report formats vary between different statutory regimes, but most statutory reports require a set of data to be gathered from multiple objects before being laid out in a pre-specified format. This data can include metered values, for example, or calculated total daily production at facilities, or allocated production at fields. The Statutory Reporting module allows calculations to be specified to gather this information, and to record it against pre-defined report sections and data codes. Each section can include individual items, such as the export volume for the month, or can contain repeating information such as all individual tanker exports.
Our partners have create applications, which allow any number of report structures to be created, and rules defined to calculate the data for any facility. This provides the necessary information for the particular statutory report laid out in the Reporting system.
The mechanism can be used to calculate derived results of any kind, whether or not they are associated with a formal report.

The platform
Partner applications
Build your own
EnergySys is the most powerful low code platform for agile energy companies. It is configurable, easy to use, exciting and evolving, making it quick and easy for engineering business users to create applications that do exactly what they need.
Many of our users configure their own applications, but for those that want to get started on the platform as quickly as possible, our partners have built some powerful template applications that are hosted on our cloud platform.
We recognise you face your own set of challenges, and sometimes a template application is not enough. That's why we've made the EnergySys Cloud Platform easy to extend and modify, in order to fit your requirements.